Interpreter Vs The World , Part I

Every conversation is organic and each interaction left me either an unique or memorable experience. 

Some brings the smile on my face, some light-hearted yet refreshing, some breaks my heart instantly, and some just makes me question my existence. 

Over the past months, I have to come to recognise some of these colourful characteristics of these LEP (Limited English Proficiency) person.

Because sharing is caring, enjoy reading ~

The Fortune Teller

These are the ones that acknowledge every word said even before it has been said. Yeah, yeah, yes, yes, Ok ok, I know I know… he/she may or may not understands and even predicts what is about to be said. 

None. Interpreter left in confusion. 

Cautious !

Attentiveness is being questioned. Professional provider may think you are not doing your job well. 

The Bullet Train

These are the one who is highly excited and anxious. In my own suspicion, I believe this is their first time having someone to interpret for them and FINALLY their words can be heard. Therefore, they will speak at the speed of a bullet train. 

Advantage for interpreter:

None. Well yes, time to perfect those note taking skills. No pun intended!

Cautious !

Bleeding ears (metaphorically), overdriven brain with a sore wrist.

The “I don’t know much, but I know I….”

These are the ones that responds with each question with “I don’t know English. I no understand.” 

However, this may not be true. These are the tricky ones. They do understand, maybe 30%.

Advantage for interpreter : 

Flaunt your language skill but stay professional. 

Cautious !

LEP may interrupt with their 30% (or less) understanding of the language and further confuse the conversation.

The Storyteller

These are the ones when you ask a simple question and answered with a story of their life.

Advantage for interpreter :

Your honor, relevance????????

Cautious !

Keep those yawns silent ! Be smart when to cut the story short.

More Than 3 is a crowd too noisy to handle

These are the ones usually accompanied by 1 or more family member/friend into the conversation. You may wonder, why interpreter then? Well, the professional provider may want to have an interpreter to ensure message is accurate being interpreted.

Advantage for interpreter:

You may flaunt your professional lingo. LEP may not understand but you have a sort of “third party” interpreter to interpret the professional lingo you have just flaunted.  


LEP or more than one person may give their opinion ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

Because everyone has the right to their opinion isn’t ?

I Think Therefore I Know

These are the one that conforms to the professional provider’s request to have an interpreter but thinks they speaks better language than the interpreter. In actual fact, they don’t.

Advantage for interpreter :

Professional provider recognise your profession and existence.


Pay attention to the conversation as the LEP may suddenly need your interpretation. 

Interpreter is on invisible mode.

These are the one that would like to have interpreter service because they have the rights to do so. They speak fluent language. They may need you for 1-2 words, maybe.

Advantage for interpreter:

Really none. Resource wasted as some other LEP may actually in need my help.

Cautious :

Stay as quiet as a mouse. What you may want to interpret is totally irrelevant or heard in the conversation.

Thank you for your time reading this.

For interpreters out there, keep your empathetic heart open and stay positive!

Happy Wednesday!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these blog entries are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Any content provided by the author is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything.

  • HAHA! LEP’s! gotta love them!

    Gen January 15, 2025 3:46 PM Reply

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