暗き道 影を背負いて 進むたび
涙の雨は 心を濡らす
足元の石 つまずき倒れ
それでも立ちて また歩み出す
朝陽差す 雲間の光に 気づく時
苦しみさえも 力の種ぞ
花咲く日 遠き夢なれど
歩む道こそ 生の証よ
On the darkened path, bearing shadows as I go,
The rain of tears dampens my heart.
Stumbling on stones beneath my feet,
Still, I rise again and step forward.
When sunlight pierces through gaps in the clouds,
I realize even pain is a seed of strength.
Though the day of blooming lies far ahead,
The journey itself is proof of life.
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